Wes Anderson
Wes Anderson was born in Texas May 1st 1969. He starred in and directed the American Express advert. He usually casts the same actors e.g Owen Wilson. The music he uses in his soundtracks is mainly British rock music and titles he uses are all similar, having a yellow colour. He made Fantastic Mr. Fox which took a long time to make, 30 seconds of film took a day to create. He has a strong fan base and was nominated for 2 Oscars in 2001.
Syhnola is a group of 4 men who met in 1994 and based their name on shoe polish and a film called 'The Jerk'. They are very artistic in what they do and use lots of animation, a range of different colours, bright and bold, and also animals e.g dog, duck, squirrel. They have a range of audiences (mass audience) including middle-aged males and females.
Anton Corbijn
The things he made were, music video Viva La Vida for Coldplay,and he also directed a film called 'Control'. He uses black and white in a lot of his videos to show bleakness and a lot of his videos are shown to be sad and depressing. His audiences are teens to middle aged people.
Michel Gondry
Michel Gondry is French and was born May 1963. He was influenced by pop music and went to art college. He has done music videos for, Paul Mcartney, Kanye West and Mia Doi Todd. He was noted for having inventive styles and went on to feature films after music videos e.g Be Kind Rewind and Human Nature. He made T.V commercials e.g Smirnoff. He made a music video for Daft Punk and he made the different characters in the video for the different beats.
Spike Jonze
He was born in Rockville Maryland and is 40 years old. He has won Oscars for his work on film. He has also had Golden Globe nominations. He made popular T.V series including Jackass. Most of his work is aimed at teenagers.
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